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  • Icelandic Meteorological Office

A new book about the impact of the Holuhraun eruption on environment and health

The publication of the Holuhraun eruption's impact on the environment and health was recently published in the series of the Icelandic Agricultural University . Specialists in different fields of study discuss potential environmental impacts related to volcanic eruptions and report the main findings of research and monitoring projects, which sought to assess the impact of the eruption on Holuhraun on environmental and health. Among the authors there are seven employees of the Icelandic Meteorological Office. Editors are Bjarni Diðrik Sigurðsson from the Agricultural University and Gerður Stefánsdóttir from the Meteorological Office. The essay consists of 15 chapters; There are a total of 112 pages and accessible on the website of the Agricultural University .

Volcanic burden on the population, environment and animals is generally unknown. Information on the effects of volcanic eruptions is usually presented at different levels, experts usually publish their international scientific research in specialized media, various information is available on the website of different professional bodies, etc. It can therefore be complicated and time consuming to get a comprehensive overview of the results of as many different parties as possible, and to monitor and investigate the impact of Holuhraun's gossip. A summary like this allows the scholarship, government and the public to gain a better overview of the multiple stresses that may arise from air pollution and eruptions in Iceland. This summary can be expected to support a coordinated response to such events in the future.

The incident that led to the volcanic eruption in Holuhraun began with the earthquake storm in Bárðarbunga in mid-August 2014. Hraungos began in Holuhraun on August 31, 2014, with larger lava volumes in Iceland in historical times. The eruption lasted for six months, but the defined eruption was on February 29, 2015. The eruption was similar to the type and Skaftáreldur 1783-1784, which caused the so-called Moisture Hardness with a high concentration of volcanic mass but low ash. Volcanic eruptions were found widely from the eruption in Holuhraun, and concentrations were high throughout the country during the ghost period. Wider air pollution caused by volcanic eruptions had not occurred here since then in Skaftáreldir.

The publication Holuhraun's impact on the environment and health describes the main findings from many monitoring and environmental studies that attempted to assess the impact of the eruption on Holuhraun on environment and health. The staff of the Meteorological Office, together with other scholars, are co-authors and co-authors of a total of five sections of the publication and a summary of the eruption, which discusses the effects of volcanic eruption on precipitation, snow and water and its possible effects.

Clearly, the impact of the volcanic eruption in Holuhraun on the physical and chemical properties of the environment has been considerable and probably more than many suspects. The results show that volcanic eruptions from the eruption had a repercussion on environmental conditions in Iceland despite the fact that the event took place in the highlands of Iceland, in winter to and away from human housing. Some of the measurements discussed here were made during the eruption, but others, for example, on water, vegetation and soils, were performed later in 2015, some after a defined eruption. The location of the eruption was, however, extremely convenient, outside the glacier and far away, and the timing also minimized the amount of volcanic eruption reacted to sulfuric acid throughout the country.

Distribution of SO 2 gas in the atmosphere as the frequency of hourly average values exceeding 350 μg / m 3 of health protection throughout the 181 days. For example, 1% frequency means that the concentration of SO 2 has been a total of 1.8 days or more than 43 hours above the health protection limit during the gestation period. The locations of the monitoring stations mentioned in the text are shown in the picture.


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